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Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal disease, also known as a pilonidal cyst is a skin growth located at the tailbone. This growth contains skin and hair and is common in the United States, with more than 200,000 cases each year. While this disease resolves within a few weeks, this disease is characterized by a chronic recurrence of the cyst.

Did you know?

Pilonidal disease is most common in men and occurs between puberty and age 30. Risk factors include obesity and thick body hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the symptoms of pilonidal disease?

Symptoms of pilonidal disease can be mild to severe. It’s typically characterized by a small dimple in the cleft between the buttocks. This dimple can develop into a large, painful mass that drains clear, cloudy, or bloody fluid from the area.

When infected the are becomes quite red and drains foul smelling pus, and the infected individual may have a fever, nausea, or just feel bad.

How do you diagnose and treat pilonidal disease?

Diagnosis of this disease usually requires a physical exam from a physician. An incision is usually made to drain the abscess, which helps to reduce pain and inflammation. This is done under local anesthesia in a general surgery office.

Deeper infection requires general anesthesia so the doctor can completely remove the infection by U roofing sinuses.

What is healing like?

Your surgical wound must be kept clean and dry to ensure proper healing. Depending on the dressing your doctor chose for you, you may need frequent bandage changes or even packing of the wound to allow the area to heal from the bottom of the wound up.

Because this condition can be chronic, it’s critical that you care for the wound exactly as your surgeon tells you to. This will ensure the greatest probability of healing and reduces the chance of a recurrence.

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